Dear Rune,
I had derailed my own life goals by getting sick-
I let my own dysfunction around relationships starve out my hunger for transformation through good work.I thank you today.
I thank you for drawing [my partner] out enough in session for me to see him as he truly is, rather than who I fantasized him to be.
I thank you for asking that I stay with myself, and not abandon myself in times of pain.
I now go deep inside when I hurt,
Instead of running-Effective leaders can't run or distract themselves from the countless problems that come from oversight of highly complex systems.
I had to learn to do a better job of this...
I have my professional life back and my identity with my work has transformed into something healthier.
Today I have renewed hope.
Today I wish for you the gifts you have cultivated in my life-
Freedom from want, fear and anything else that might cause harm.
When the fear returns, I go to a nothing space and send it away again.There is experience and there is thinking.
I will choose to be present and try to have no opinion of it.
I say to myself,
Pain can not take anything from you- for you have only your presence to giveThe rest does not belong to me and it is a fallacy to believe it does...
Tusind Tak,
female client, age 54,